Dust Trap
Wouldn't you like to reduce your house hold dust more efficiently, save more on energy costs, and purchase an environmentally friendly air filter?
➕ Most retail filters hold between 10-20 grams of dust before creating such high air pressures (Increasing energy usage) making it necessary to change your filter. This filter reaches the same levels of pressure at 50-60 grams of dust, allowing more dust to accumulate while maintaining lower energy consumption from your HVAC
➕ This filter has a patented media design that self-supports, has no metal (environmentally friendly), and has evenly distributed pleats that allow for maximum airflow
➕ This filter has the highest dust holding capacity in its class reducing energy consumption and HVAC operating costs

Allergen Aid
Wouldn't you like to improve your indoor air quality and aid your families allergy symptoms by filtering out particles like pet dander, mold, and mites that are in your home?
➕ This filter is made of synthetic media with an electrostatic charge that attracts particles like pet dander, mold, and mites to the filter. This leads to cleaner air circulating throughout your home
➕ This filter has a higher dust holding capacity compared to most competitors allowing your HVAC to not work as hard as it would with a lower dust holding capacity filter

Virus Nuetralizer
Wouldn't you like to keep your family safe from unhealthy Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's)? Sources of VOC's come from aerosol sprays, cleaners and disinfectants, and viruses. VOC's can damage the central nervous system and cause cancer!
➕ This filter meets recommended minimum efficiency for filtration of airborne viruses
➕ This filter will capture small particles that penetrate deep into your lungs' aveoli where oxygen is transferred into your bloodstream. If you breathe in toxic VOCs from the air you are degrading your overall health. Our MERV 13 filter will help reduce the amount of VOC's circulating throughout your home keeping you and your family safe